10 Hilarious Construction Projects Client Requests

As project managers in the construction industry, we often encounter unusual and hilarious client requests. These moments bring a quirky charm to our job, reminding us that no two projects are ever the same. Here is a roundup of the 10 most hilarious client requests I have received while managing construction projects.  Prepare to laugh and maybe even relate!

1. The Magic Growing Room

Client request | A lady pushing the wall in pride colours.

A client once asked me if I could make a room “magically grow” in size without altering the external structure of the building. 

As much as I loved to play magician, physics has its limits!

2. Soundproof but Open-Air

Client request | A lady sound proofing an open space.

One client wanted an open-air courtyard in their school that was completely soundproof. 

I had to gently explain that soundproofing and open air don’t quite go hand in hand.

3. The Floating Staircase

Client request | A lady looking at a giant leg on a floating staircase.

Have you heard of a floating staircase? 

Well, one of my clients wanted a staircase that appeared to float with no visible supports. While floating stairs are possible, making them totally “invisible” isn’t quite possible at the moment within the realm of reality. 

In the future, who knows!

4. In-Ground Aquarium

Client request | A lady walking into an aquarium built under the floor.

One ambitious client wanted an aquarium built into their living room floor. 

While technically this is possible, the logistics and cost made it a bit more than he had bargained for.

5. The Indoor Rainforest

Client request | A lady creating a rainforest.

A client once requested an indoor rainforest complete with mist and exotic plants. They wanted to mimic the interiors of the Rainforest Cafe as closely as possible.

In the end, they understood that while it sounded beautiful and they could manage the initial costs, getting the authorities to approve it was beyond the norms. Additionally, maintaining such a tropical ecosystem indoors in the long run would be extremely challenging.

6. Remote-Controlled Walls

Client request | A lady using a remote control in a maze of walls.

One client asked for solid walls that could move with a remote control to change room layouts on demand. 

I had to explain that while movable walls exist, remote-controlled ones were more sci-fi than reality.

7. Temperature-Controlled Driveway

Client request | A lady melting snow on the driveway with a car.

I had a friend who had a client who wanted a driveway that could melt snow and ice instantly. While heated driveways are a thing, expecting instant melting was a bit too optimistic. 

Talk about convenience!

8. Invisible Roof

Client request | A lady lifeting the ceiling and seeing the sky.

Another client wanted a roof that would appear invisible from the inside, giving the illusion of an open sky. 

I suggested skylights instead!

9. Rotating House

Client request | A lady with a rotating house

One client requested a house that could rotate 360 degrees to always face the sun. 

While rotating homes exist, the costs and engineering challenges were astronomical than they expected.

10. Self-Cleaning Bathroom

Client request | Self cleaning bathroom

And lastly another hilarious client request, was where they wanted a bathroom that would clean itself at the push of a button. 

While there are advanced cleaning systems, a fully self-cleaning bathroom is still a dream.


Dealing with these hilarious client requests adds a unique flavour to our roles as project managers. These stories also highlight the importance of clear communication and managing expectations. 

For those interested in more tales from the trenches, I recommend reading Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management,  by Alison Dykstra. It offers insightful perspectives and useful tips for handling the quirks of construction project management. And for those interested in more tales from the trenches of IT, I recommend reading The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford. It offers a humorous and insightful look into the world of project management.

Next time you’re faced with a bizarre request, just remember: you are not alone, and sometimes, all you can do is laugh!

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